Emma Vinton
2003-07-26 00:02:49 UTC
I'm a nurse on an eating disorder ward, and I have a student who is looking
for information on management of various issues, one of which is 'how would
a nurse manage a situation where an anorexic patient has hidden food in her
room?'. (bearing in mind that the unit does not allow this, and patients
sign a treatment agreement when they arrive). I am looking for
journal/nursing articles or advice from others who work in this field, also
any info on non-compliance with medication. Any info will be greatly
received. Thank you.
Emma V (North East)
I'm a nurse on an eating disorder ward, and I have a student who is looking
for information on management of various issues, one of which is 'how would
a nurse manage a situation where an anorexic patient has hidden food in her
room?'. (bearing in mind that the unit does not allow this, and patients
sign a treatment agreement when they arrive). I am looking for
journal/nursing articles or advice from others who work in this field, also
any info on non-compliance with medication. Any info will be greatly
received. Thank you.
Emma V (North East)